resource management

Eliminate blind spots from your project and resource planning

Resource Management on rocketlane enables you to plan resource requirements and predict project timelines accurately

Assemble your A-team in a single click with Resource AI

Forget the old days of juggling spreadsheets trying to get team workloads just right, and painstakingly aligning everyone’s skills with project demands. Simply share your allocation goals with Resource AI, and watch as it takes on the heavy lifting, sifts through endless possibilities, and assembles the best squad for the job.
Achieve perfectly balanced workloads

It ensures that no one is burnt out or underutilized! It factors in everything you’d care about—utilization rates, availability, and skillsets, to put together the ideal team.

Build high-margin teams with precision

Stop worrying about hitting your margins —let ResourceAI do the number-crunching for you. It assembles the perfect team, ensuring the highest margins on every project.

Run your resource planning on autopilot

Define your resource requirements once and templatize them for future projects.

Switch to auto-allocation to create resource plans that perfectly balance skills, workloads, and availability—all in just seconds. You'll never stress about creating or updating resource plans again. Your resource plans will automatically adjust to any changes in your project plan.

Perfectly align your team’s skills with project needs

No more guessing who’s right for the job! Get to the ideal skill-match for your project needs in seconds.

With skills matrix, you can easily manage your organization’s skill library and map it to your people in a single place. Spot skill gaps early to keep your projects running smoothly and ensure you’ve always got the right mix of expertise for unmatched excellence!

Know your team’s exact bandwidth

Get a clear, comprehensive view of your entire team's bandwidth to know where you stand. See at a glance who's available, who's occupied, and who's over capacity.

With detailed insights into weekly, monthly, and quarterly availability, you can commit to project timelines with precision, and ensure smarter workload distribution.

Forecast your hiring pipeline accurately

Get a real-time snapshot of demand versus supply, including holidays and time-offs—providing an up-to-date, precise view to plan your hiring needs.

Zoom in on your team’s workload by tracking utilization rates to pinpoint exactly where you need more hands on deck.

Rocketlane gives you the edge in resource planning by perfectly syncing your projects and resources, offering forward visibility into your project pipeline.

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Rocketlane is a leader in Professional Services Automation on G2
Rocketlane is a leader in Professional Services Automation on G2

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What is Rocketlane Resource Management?

As companies grow, managing resources efficiently becomes increasingly complex, requiring a smart solution. Rocketlane's resource management capabilities empower businesses to streamline their resource allocation processes.

It enables teams to centralize resource requests, track availability, and allocate resources effectively. With its user-friendly interface, Rocketlane allows stakeholders to visualize resource allocation across projects, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

Rocketlane also provides real-time updates on resource utilization, enabling managers to make informed decisions.

It also offers advanced features like capacity planning and resource utilization. With Rocketlane Resource Management, businesses can effectively manage their resources, streamline operations, and drive success.

Benefits of resource management with Rocketlane

Navigating the complexities of project management can be a daunting task. Powerful tools that offer comprehensive solutions are indispensable in today's fast-paced business environment.

Equipped with robust features, Rocketlane offers multifarious benefits that go beyond the standard offerings of task management, enabling teams to elevate their performance to unprecedented heights. Here are the key benefits of resource management with Rocketlane in your project management arsenal.

1. Enhanced resource forecasting

With Rocketlane's resource management software, businesses can effectively predict and plan their resource allocation. This helps avoid hindrances and ensures the right resources are available at the right time.

Rocketlane's advanced analytics and reporting features also provide valuable insights into resource utilization and performance. This enables businesses to optimize their resource allocation, identify gaps, and make informed decisions.

With resource forecasting, Rocketlane enhances operational efficiency and allows businesses to stay on top of their project timelines, ultimately resulting in improved productivity and customer satisfaction.

2. Increased productivity

Rocketlane's intuitive tool eliminates manual tracking and scheduling, saving time and effort. It also provides a centralized view of project progress, enabling teams to stay organized and focused.

Rocketlane optimizes task assignments, ensuring the right resources are allocated to the right projects at the right time. With better visibility and coordination, teams can work efficiently, avoiding duplication and blockages.

With automated resource management, Rocketlane empowers businesses to boost productivity and consistently deliver exceptional results.

3. Complete project visibility

Rocketlane enables businesses to easily track the progress of their projects, from start to finish.

With a centralized dashboard, project managers can access real-time updates on tasks, deadlines, and resource allocation. This visibility allows for better decision-making, as managers can identify bottlenecks or areas that need more resources. A clear overview of each project enables teams to collaborate more effectively and stay on track.

Rocketlane's advanced analytics also provide valuable insights into resource utilization, helping businesses optimize their resource allocation and maximize productivity. With complete project visibility, organizations can ensure that projects are delivered on time and within budget, ultimately driving success and growth.

4. Optimized staffing and utilization

With Rocketlane's resource management software, you can streamline these processes and reap numerous benefits. This powerful tool allows you to assign the right people to the right tasks, ensuring optimal productivity and utilization of your team members' skills.

Rocketlane's resource management feature provides a clear overview of your team's availability and workload. Doing so helps you identify and eliminate any bottlenecks, preventing burnout and ensuring a balanced workload. Moreover, you can schedule tasks and projects, ensuring that your team is effectively staffed and maximizing their potential.

Optimizing staffing and utilization using Rocketlane Resource Management can enhance productivity, reduce costs, and achieve exceptional results for your organization.

Features of Rocketlane Resource Management

With the right tools and strategies, resource management can transform businesses' operations, streamline workflows, minimize waste, and maximize results. This crucial business function entails the effective management of resources such as staff, finances, and technology.

Rocketlane Resource Management is innovatively designed to optimize collaboration, streamline processes, and maximize productivity in high-performance teams. Combining a host of robust features and intuitive interfaces, this tool revolutionizes how teams manage resources, whether human, financial, or even time.

Here are some compelling features to consider:

1. Resource AI

Rocketlane's Resource AI accurately forecasts demand and allocates resources. It can accurately predict future resource needs by analyzing historical data and project requirements. This invaluable insight empowers your team to make informed decisions and avoid resource shortages or overloads.

Optimizing staffing and utilization using Rocketlane Resource Management can enhance productivity, reduce costs, and achieve exceptional results for your organization.

Say goodbye to resource management headaches and embrace the power of Resource AI with Rocketlane. Revolutionize your resource allocation and take your project management to the next level.

2. Resource forecasting

With Rocketlane's resource management software, you can accurately predict and allocate resources for your projects, ensuring a smooth workflow and optimum productivity. Its intuitive interface allows you to view and analyze resource availability, making addressing any potential bottlenecks or conflicts easier.

With the ability to forecast resource needs in advance, you can effectively plan and allocate your team's workload, avoiding overload or underutilization. Rocketlane's resource forecasting feature empowers you to optimize your project timelines and deliver exceptional results, every time.

3. Utilization tracking

Rocketlane's utilization tracking allows teams to gain valuable insights into how their how are being utilized. This feature allows users to categorize their hours into billable and non-billable hours. This allows you to monitor the utilization of resources and track their usage over time.

Rocketlane's utilization tracking also provides automated reports and visualizations, making it easy to analyze utilization trends and identify areas for improvement. With Rocketlane, teams can better streamline their resource management and drive efficiency throughout their projects.

4. Strategic project insights

Rocketlane's resource management tool helps teams gain valuable insights into their projects by analyzing key data points. This includes information on resource allocation, workload distribution, and project timelines.

Understanding the current and planned resource utilization allows teams to make strategic decisions to optimize productivity and ensure project success.

Rocketlane also provides customizable reports and dashboards, enabling teams to track progress, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions. With these strategic project insights, teams can align their resources efficiently and stay on top of their project goals.

Challenges Rocketlane Resource Management solves

Rocketlane's resource management tool helps teams gain valuable insights into their projects by analyzing key data points. This includes information on resource allocation, workload distribution, and project timelines.

Understanding the current and planned resource utilization allows teams to make strategic decisions to optimize productivity and ensure project success.

Rocketlane also provides customizable reports and dashboards, enabling teams to track progress, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions. With these strategic project insights, teams can align their resources efficiently and stay on top of their project goals.

1. Poor resource visibility

When resources are spread across different projects and tasks, it becomes difficult to keep track of who is working on what and how their time is being utilized. This lack of transparency can lead to inefficiencies, miscommunication, and even delays in project delivery.

Rocketlane eliminates this challenge with its advanced resource management features. With Rocketlane, teams can easily view resource availability, assign tasks, and monitor progress in real-time. This not only improves visibility but also enables efficient resource allocation, ensuring that projects are completed on time and with optimal resource utilization.

2. Disjointed tracking and reporting

Without a centralized platform, teams often struggle to keep track of project progress and resource allocations across different tools or spreadsheets. This fragmentation can result in miscommunication, missed deadlines, and even resource conflicts.

Rocketlane provides a single, unified space for tracking and reporting on all aspects of resource management.

With real-time visibility into resource availability, utilization, and conflicts, teams can streamline their workflow, make informed decisions, and ensure smooth project execution.

No more disjointed tracking and reporting - Rocketlane keeps everything in one place, making resource management a breeze.

3. Lack of pipeline visibility

Many teams struggle to have a clear view of all the projects in progress, making it difficult to allocate resources effectively. This lack of visibility often leads to overbooking or underutilizing resources, impacting project timelines and overall productivity.

With Rocketlane, teams can easily track project progress, view resource availability, and identify potential blockages. Its intuitive dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the entire pipeline, enabling better decision-making and resource allocation, ultimately improving efficiency and ensuring projects are delivered on time.

4. Multiple tools leading to silo-ed information

In many organizations, different teams use different tools to manage their tasks and projects, resulting in information being scattered across various platforms. This leads to a lack of visibility and collaboration, making it difficult to track the progress of projects or identify resource bottlenecks.

Rocketlane solves this problem by providing a centralized platform where all teams can collaborate and manage their resources in one place. This eliminates the need for multiple tools and ensures that everyone has access to the same information, creating a more streamlined and efficient resource management process.

How much does Rocketlane Resource Management cost?

Rocketlane offers a range of pricing tiers to suit your business needs. The basic plan starts at $ 19 and goes up to $99 for the enterprise plan. Based on your business requirements, you can choose the right plan for you. From resource management to capacity planning, Rocketlane has various features that make project and resource management a piece of cake.

With its intuitive interface and advanced functionality, Rocketlane allows businesses to easily track and manage all of their resources in one centralized platform.

From assigning tasks and deadlines to monitoring progress and availability, Rocketlane provides real-time visibility and transparency, enabling teams to effectively collaborate and make informed decisions.

Additionally, Rocketlane offers robust analytics and reporting capabilities, empowering businesses to identify bottlenecks, optimize resource allocation, and ultimately increase productivity and efficiency.

Leave the resource management heavy-lifting to Rocketlane!


1. What are the key benefits of using Rocketlane Resource Management?

The benefits of using Rocketlane Resource Management include improved resource allocation, streamlined workflows, increased collaboration, enhanced productivity, better visibility into resource utilization, and effective tracking of project progress.

2. How does Rocketlane Resource Management improve resource allocation?

Rocketlane Resource Management provides real-time visibility into resource availability and workload, making it easier to allocate resources to different projects and tasks based on their current capacity and skills.

3. Can Rocketlane Resource Management help streamline workflows?

Yes, Rocketlane Resource Management offers features that allow businesses to create and manage project workflows, ensuring smooth collaboration, task assignment, and timely completion of deliverables.

4. How does Rocketlane Resource Management enhance collaboration?

Rocketlane Resource Management provides a centralized platform where team members can communicate, share files, and collaborate on projects, improving overall communication and boosting teamwork.

5. Does Rocketlane Resource Management increase productivity?

Absolutely. Rocketlane Resource Management optimizes resource allocation, eliminates bottlenecks, and streamlines workflows, resulting in increased productivity and efficient use of resources.

6. Can Rocketlane Resource Management help improve visibility into resource utilization?

Yes, Rocketlane Resource Management offers detailed reports and analytics that provide insights into resource utilization, helping businesses identify areas where resources are over or under-utilized.

7. How does Rocketlane Resource Management track project progress?

Rocketlane Resource Management allows businesses to monitor project progress by providing real-time updates on task completion, milestones reached, and overall project status.

Can I pay per project rather than per user?

Please drop us a note at with your request and reasoning, and we’re willing to have some flexibility on our pricing method if it makes business sense for us and for you.

Move your service delivery into the fast lane

Deliver projects on time and on budget. Collaborate with your team, partners, and customers. Without scope creep, stress, or missed goals.